Thursday, October 13, 2011

For The Love and PB & J!

Remember that awesome bit on Sesame Street as a kid when they go to a peanut butter factory? I loved it when they showed that. Maybe that's where my appreciation for peanut butter comes from. Or maybe it's from when my mom would make me open face peanut butter sandwiches with stars and smiley faces drawn into them. Any way you spread it, I am infatuated with peanut butter and it's endless possibilities. I am thankful almost everyday I do not have a peanut allergy, as I do not how one could live like that.

World's happiest kid ever? I think so. (Taken from

Earlier this week I over heard a couple women in my office discussing how the price of peanut butter was about to almost double. Imagine my horror. I hadn't heard anything about it so I decided to look it up and make sure this wasn't just office hype. After checking with a few credible news sources, I can confirm that your PB and J may become a luxury item.

Since last year the price of unprocessed peanuts has went from $450 a ton to $1,150 a ton. That's over a 200% price increase. The reason the price of peanuts has sky-rocketed so much is because of a poor peanut harvest due to the heat and drought conditions summer.

Soon that cost will be passed on to us. Popular brands such as Jif , Peter Pan, and (my personal childhood favorite) Skippy have already announced price hikes between 24 and 40% starting in the beginning of November. The price hike is already having an effect on shelled peanuts, as one pound of shelled peanuts is up 50 cents from last year.

Consider yourselves properly forewarned. Now go forth my peanut butter loving minions and stock up.

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