Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter Diary

Dear Me,

I apologize in advance for what I am about to put my body through. Week one wasn't a bad attempt, but I didn't give it my all. Granted my vegetables were probably on par with what most Americans get (mainly freeze dried, in tomato sauce, or came on what I ordered) but I had a little too much fresh fruit. My apologies. On to celebrate Easter!

Sunday, April 8th

Wake Up Snack

Since I was going to hang out in the fitness center to watch Mad Men I decided I might need a little fuel in my tank. This green egg happened to be just the ticket. What better way to kick start one's day than with jelly beans and chocolate eggs? Doesn't every 8-year-old wish they could do this? When you're an adult, kid, you can!


I forgot how much I like sugar covered donuts. So soft and airy I wonder how something that feels as if it can dance on your tongue could be bad for you. Then I read everything in them and the nutrition facts. (If you want to enjoy them I don't advise doing it until after you've eaten them, or even at all. I'm pretty confident most people disregard both of these anyway.) Obviously, food doesn't have to be a culinary masterpiece for me to enjoy it. However, this "coffee" beverage leaves something to be desired. It tastes more like they dropped a coffee flavored candy in the can, added water, and called it day. Then again, unlike that McDonald's latte, this only has 100 calories (and somehow 3 grams of fiber).


It isn't Easter Sunday if you don't go out for breakfast after church. At least, in my family it isn't. So I went to Beverly's Pancake House, a greasy spoon I have had my eye for the last year. I was a little hesitant to try it out based off of the reviews online. Most of these reviews were written about late night service so I decided not to let them deter me. I'm glad I didn't. The service good and the portions were generous. I probably could have gotten three meals out of what I was given. Instead, I opted to eat all the pancakes and half of the omelet and hashbrowns. I saved the leftovers for breakfast tomorrow. Not so shockingly, I was full by the time I was a quarter of the way through the omelet and halfway through the pancakes. But rest assured, I wasn't about to give up and I rallied. Then came the Easter breakfast sedative effect. Looks like I'm off for a nap.

Mid afternoon

Wow, the sounds rumbling in my GI tract could rival a Harley. This may not end well.

Early Evening **Insert Easter candy and Bock beer here**


Being I would be cooking for one, I didn't have a traditional Easter dinner. To be fair, the last couple Easters we have spent with Colin's parents and have had non-traditional Easter fare anyway. This year instead of fajitas and margarita it was sangria and leftover Mexican. Not a bad trade off.

Later that evening...

Gosh darn it, it's a holiday! And what is a holiday without dessert? (Never mind all the candy I have eaten today.) So I went out and got myself one of those little lemon pies. Not one of those found by the slice in the bakery. Nope, more like in the candy aisle in a little cardboard box with the photo on the box of what is inside. Which is basically a fruit-flavored filling, sugar-glazed, hot pocket. Nothing like what a maternal figure makes, but it did the job.

Monday, April 9th

I'm glad Easter is not everyday. I woke feeling like I had motor oil instead of blood in my veins. I typically like a morning walk, but this morning instead of getting a walk in I went straight to the fitness center. I made it through my workout and felt bogged down afterwards. I get the same feeling after being on vacation for a few days. You know what vacation is like, you eat most of your food from restaurants and hotel breakfast bars and on top of it are not able to work out. The thing is, during this experiment I haven't changed my workout routine much. I think this diet is beginning to take a toll.

After breakfast leftovers, toast, and a Diet Mountain Dew... I'm feeling fine! No complaints here, let the cycle continue!

Is this how people usually operate?

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