Thursday, April 12, 2012

Jack LaLanne Would Be Proud

I am coming to an end of this American Diet. Like many Americans trying to lose weight, the thought of doing a cleanse has crossed my mind. Over the past couple weeks I toyed with the idea of doing an all liquid diet just to quick putting junk in my body and get in vitamins, which have been sorely lacking. Now I'm not talking about the cleanses endorsed by celebrities (who we all know are the people to go to for nutrition guidance). Also, let me clarify that I am not aiming for weight loss, my goal is for regularity and a sense of mountain fresh throughout my body and soul... a sense of "ahhh." (Think relief "ah" and not screaming and running from an axe murderer "AHHHHH!")

A recent article in the health section of TODAY was published about the growing popularity of juice cleanses. In this new trend of fasting, people are drinking juice that they either made at home or purchased in the store. Some of the juice fasts out there promote really cleaning yourself out and giving yourself and an enema with it (I'll just drink it, thank you).

I know after years of science and nutrition classes that the body is an amazing machine. One doesn't need a cleanse to detoxify themselves. We have a liver and kidneys to do that. We don't need to do fasts or liquid diets to rest our digestive system or to clean it out, that's what fiber is for. But every once in a while even I fall victim to the idea that I can survive off of liquids for a day. Then by night fall I am ready to gnaw off my arm and proceed to hunt for some form of solid sustenance.

Juice fasts aren't the most horrible diet ever, especially compared to the alternative (Master Cleanse?). You do get plenty of vitamins and minerals, not failing to mention carbohydrates. However, as noted in the article, a key nutrient is missing in these diets. You're missing protein, the key component of repair and muscle maintenance. The body is an amazing machine, but it can't make protein out of carbohydrates.

If you are considering doing a fast, I have a couple recommendations for you. First, add protein powder to your juice. This way you're still drinking liquids and you're still getting protein. Brands such as Odwalla not only make juice drinks but protein smoothies as well. Just because you are on a juice fast, that doesn't mean that's the only thing you can drink. Try to add in beverages such as water and tea. Not only are these are calorie-free options, but constantly consuming sugary beverages like juice can increase your risk of cavities. I also second the article in recommending going with more vegetable juices than fruit juices. Vegetable juices are lower in sugar, meaning less calories, and can contain different vitamins and minerals in them. If you're juicing at home, please note that fruits and vegetables can have toxins in their seeds and, with extreme consumption of these seeds, can lead to poisoning.

This image of Jack LaLanne was taken from

This all being said, I'm not implying that fasting is ridiculous and no one should do it. In some religions followers are asked to fast for days. I can condone a fast for a sacred holiday. That is the difference, these people do it for a spiritual reason while most others do it for weight loss. When you think about it, common religions in America focus on food for holidays, and how much they can consume, rather than going without. Funny how that works.

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